Renata Durda We would like to present to you our Chief Ambassador the great Renata Durda! Certified specialist and supervisor in the field of Domestic Violence prevention (certified by the State Agency for Alcohol Problem Solving and the Institute of Psychological Health of the Polish Psychological Association). Head of the National Emergency Service for Victims of Domestic Violence "Blue Line" in Poland run by the Institute of Health Psychology of the Polish Psychological Association. She is the editor of the monthly magazine “Blue Line” about Domestic Violence and Abuse and Prevention. Member of the Monitoring Team on Domestic Violence Prevention with the Minister of Labour and Social Policy (third term); Social Advocate for Children's Rights Advocate (second term). The National Emergency Service for Victims of Domestic Violence and Abuse “Blue Line” 1995 continuously offers a helpline, an interdisciplinary assistance program for people involved in domestic violence and initiating modern methods of domestic violence prevention. Information center, operation, and development of the national programs for individuals, organisations, and institutions supporting the family violence victims “Blue Line”; education and training for all public services in Poland.